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 Meditation for Stressful Times
Meditation for the Heart
Meditation for Stressful TimesNicole Lovald
00:00 / 10:38
Heart MeditationRosie Ostenson
00:00 / 08:24
 Meditation for Kids
No More Worries
Are you worried about how your kids are internalizing all the changes in their lives right now?
They are likely feeling the stress of changing schedules, the news and media, their parents worry and more. They might have a hard time understanding why they can't play with all their friends right now or why they need to distance themselves from others.
This 6 minute guided meditation will help them relax and give them a way to process all of the emotions they might be feeling.
Do this meditation with your kids and then talk with them about how they are feeling and what worries they have. Help them feel safe (a basic need) in any way you can. Remind them they are not alone in feeling worried and that they can talk to you about it.
*Also - here is a helpful article on How to Help Your Kids Manage Stress*
No worriesNicole Lovald
00:00 / 06:02
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